Monday, 11 August 2014


Courtship is a time for interview not intercourse and these are the things you must find
out before getting married:
  • You must know the background of each other and how they can affect the relationship
  • The intelligence level of the person, how the person thinks and his or her perspective and interpretation of marriage
  • How many children
  • When you want to start your family
  • What happens if you don’t want to have children?
  • Child rearing views
  • Mental, psychological and social aspect of life
  • Smoking and drinking views
  • Amount of involvement with in-laws
  • Sense of humor
  • Punctuality character
  • How far you can depend on the person
  • Your desire for verbal intimacy; your views on how to talk to your woman (communication)
  • The role of conflicts and how to resolve them, your fears, what the person will do that you cannot handle. How the person will make you calm down or make you angry. As a man when your wife is angry, allow her to say everything in her mind. Don’t shout or walk away. When she is through, you apologize. When she calms down, you can ask her why she shouted. She will know that she made a mistake and will not repeat it again.
  •  How the friendship with the opposite sex should be handled. Can he have a female friend that is not your friend? Or the other way round? Can he or she hug all the women or men around him or her? Talk about all that.
  • Talk about your level of ambition. Can your husband handle your goals and ambitions?
  • Attitude about weight, fatness of the woman or man and big stomach of the man.
  • Religion, spiritual beliefs and preferences; agreement is the basis of love.
  • Amount of church involvement
  • Hobbies and interest
  • Type of music enjoyed
  • Values and goals
  • Self-control; can you control yourself?
  • Talk about the amount of income to be spent and saved. Joint account or separate accounts
  • How much money should be allocated for clothes, vacations and others?
  • Degree of risk to be taken in investment
  • Attitude about cleanliness
  • Ways of handling sickness. If you cannot stay when someone vomits or when your wife is menstruating
  • Health standards; do you like doctors or not?
  • Inter-personal and social skills; Pride, social class and others
  • Geographical location
  • Size of house; do you want a cook, servant, gate-men or dry cleaners? Sleeping together or separately
  • Type of furniture or decoration; type of ornaments (some girls will tell you they are allergic to anything that is not gold); Can she sleep on the floor with you? Can she sleep on a water-bed and floor?
  • Talk about the type of transport preferred and the number of times of travel
  • How much time to spend together
  • When to go to bed and wake up
  • Television programs preferred. Do you like porn before sex or do you like him watching porn?
  • Activities during meal; talking or not
  • Talk about Facebook and other social media; if you want to have access to them. Bank accounts, how much he or she makes
  • What are the things your spouse can do that will make you divorce him in a second.

Love recognizes importance of compatibility, infatuation ignores it. Compatibility is the ability to get along well with someone; to be in agreement or to combine well. It means being mixed together so that the relationship can be enhanced. Love controls physical contact; love gives his best to the person. Love will do everything good will control his emotions so that he will not take advantage of you. Crush might develop into love if you have more than a crush. But if there is no substance in the crush, then it is nothing. If you must find out who someone is and face reality, you must control your emotions so that you can be clear to know the person better. Love will give you everything that is good for you even in his inconvenience. Both parties give and receive from each other. Love is very patient. You need time to build what you have. Love grows, it fortifies. It will never notice when others do it wrong. The bible mentions it all. You put off the feeling level and put on the principles of love. You will act with love and consideration. Love will have a constructive effect on your personality and bring out the best in you. You will study harder and plan more effectively. It encourages you to function at your highest level. If you want to settle with someone, you have to plan and spur each other to succeed. Everyone is working harder so that they will come together; they want to do something good for each other. Just going out on a date, smiling, feelings and talking is not love. Infatuation dies quickly when the person is out of sight. Even distance cannot stop Love. True love involves dedication. Love will be ready to forgive you and stay with you forever. How will you love your spouse if you can’t forgive others? Because your spouse might offend you some time. Love brings the approval of the family and friends; they can see what the relationship is doing to you. When there is love you feel secure around the person. Love recognizes realities and looks at problems squarely. Like relationship at a young age, blood type, and other realities; character analysis, clearing and weighing all the things to see if you can put up with them, before you get married.

So many homes and marriages have broken today because of some issues as little as they are, because they were not sorted out before marriage and it has gotten so bad that they have broken up simply because they argue about where to press the toothpaste. Talk about them.

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