Friday, 7 August 2015

Clergy Board: Abortion Group Is 'Doing God's Work'

The Clergy Advocacy Board for Planned Parenthood claims the abortion provider is doing "God's work."
In a statement released Tuesday, the group condemnned the pro-life group behind a series of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies. 
According to the board, Planned Parenthood is simply "doing God's work."
"Our religious traditions call us to offer compassion, not judgment," the statement concludes. "People who work for Planned Parenthood give care and respect to those in need, doing God's work. For this we are grateful."
The latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress shows a Planned Parenthood official talking about procuring intact fetuses.
"If we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget, that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. I mean, it's all just a matter of line items," the official says in the video.
Planned Parenthood continues to defend itself by claiming there is nothing in any of the videos that violates medical or legal standards.
Meanwhile, the Senate failed to pass a bill that would have cut off taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood.
Only 53 senators voted to defend the abortion provider, 60 votes were needed to move the bill ahead. Senate Democrats voted overwhelmingly to block the move.
Evangelist Franklin Graham of Samaritan's Purse, said in a Facebook post that Senate Minority Leader Harry Read lost his "moral compass years ago."
Graham said Reid, along with other lawmakers who support Planned Parenthood and its abortion services, will have to answer to God when "the blood of these innocent children...cry out for justice."
CBN News

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